Disability Sports Northern Territory welcomes James Little as Sport Coordinator

Disability Sports Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of James Little as Sport Coordinator for Disability Sports Northern Territory.

James is as passionate as they come about disability sport. Having worked extensively for AFL Victoria and the Western Bulldogs, James has had experience in developing and implementing programs, pathways, and competitions for people with a wide range of disabilities. James commences on Monday, 2 November 2020.

As 2020 begins to draw to a close, James will work with the key disability, health and sporting stakeholders in NT to develop strategies and deliver programs for Territorians with a disability, looking to build on the work that has been done since Disability Sport Northern Territory’s launch in late 2019.

“Our goal is to enable more people with a disability to be more active more often, by collaborating with sport, recreation and disability groups to create more choice for people with a disability, and to help people connect with physical activity opportunities” said DSA General Manager – Sport, Kelsey Singh. “We are excited to work with James to engage and grow local programs in the Northern Territory for people with a disability”.

“I understand the challenges and barriers of individuals with disability participating in sport through both lived experience and my work” said James. “I’m looking forward to using my skill set to increase positive physical activity outcomes for Territorians living with disability and building overall awareness of best practice for sport inclusion”.

Disability Sports Australia and Disability Sports Northern Territory welcome James to the team!

Kelsey Singh (General Manager – Sport)
P: 02 8736 1221
E: kelsey@sports.org.au


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Disability Sports Northern Territory announces appointment of NT Sports Coordinator